Florida Hearing Matters - Fort Lauderdale, FL

Woman with hearing loss touching her ear and thinking about preventing further loss.

Generally, when you’re confronted with hearing loss (no matter the type), the first thing you should do is attempt to control the damage. There are, after all, some simple measures you can take to safeguard your hearing and limit further hearing loss.

Step 1: Clean Your Ears

Did you clean behind your ears? It’s one of those early hygiene lessons you learn (or should have learned), right? When it comes to hearing health, however, we’re not concerned with the space behind your ears, but rather your inner ears.

There are multiple ways that keeping your ears free from wax can assist your hearing:

  • Sound can be blocked from getting into the inner ear when there’s too much wax buildup. Consequently, your ability to hear becomes diminished.
  • Your ability to hear can also be interfered with if you get a severe ear infection which can also be a result of dirty ears. Your hearing will go back to normal after the ear infection clears.
  • In the long run, untreated hearing loss can impact your brain and your ability to interpret sounds.
  • Earwax buildup also interferes with the operation of your hearing aid if you use one. You might end up feeling like your hearing is going downhill because of this.

If you find earwax accumulation, it’s absolutely not advisable that you dig around in there with a cotton swab. Further damage can be done by cotton swabs and they will frequently worsen your ability to hear. Instead, use over-the-counter ear drops.

Step 2: Avoid Loud Noises

This one should almost be left off the list it’s so intuitive. But identifying how loud is too loud is the real problem for most individuals. Over an extended time period, for example, your ears can be damaged by driving on a busy freeway. Also, surprisingly, your lawn mower can take a toll on your hearing. As you can tell, it isn’t just blaring speakers or loud rock concerts that damage your ears.

Some useful ways to stay away from harmful noises include:

  • When you’re watching videos or listening to music keep your headphone volume at a manageable volume. Most phones have built-in warnings when you’re nearing a dangerous level.
  • Using an app on your phone to notify you when volume levels reach dangerous levels.
  • When you can’t avoid loud settings, wear hearing protection. Does your job put you on the floor of a noisy manufacturing plant? Going to see a rock concert? That’s great. But be sure to wear the proper protection for your ears. Contemporary earmuffs and earplugs supply ample protection.

The damage to your ears from loud sounds will develop gradually. So if you’ve been to a loud event, you might have done damage even if you don’t detect it. Only a hearing specialist can give your hearing a clean bill of health.

Step #3: If You Have Any Hearing Impairment – Get it Addressed

Hearing loss accumulates generally speaking. So, the earlier you catch the damage, the better you’ll be able to prevent additional damage. So when it comes to stopping hearing loss, treatment is so important. Practical treatments (on which you follow through) will put your hearing in the best possible condition.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Hearing aids can stop some, but not all, damage. For example, hearing aids will stop you from cranking your television volume up so loud it harms your ears. Hearing aids will counter additional degeneration of your hearing by stopping this damage.
  • Our guidance will help you learn to protect your hearing because it is customized and personalized for you.
  • Hearing aids prevent the brain strain and social isolation that worsen hearing loss-related health issues.

You Will be Benefited in The Future by Decreasing Hearing Loss

Although we don’t have a cure for hearing loss, further damage can be avoided with treatment. In many instances, hearing aids are one of the principal ways to accomplish that. The right treatment will help you preserve your current level of hearing and prevent it from worsening.

Your allowing yourself the best possibility for healthy hearing into the future by using ear protection, getting the correct treatment, and exercising good hearing hygiene.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.